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The editors of Sweater Weather Magazine are from Upstate New York, so we understand perfectly that the best circumstance to become engrossed in truly exceptional writing is curled up in a massive sweater on the comfiest chair under a soft blanket, ignoring the blizzard raging outside, even in the Summer.


Sweater Weather is an online literary magazine. We publish Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, and Poetry, as well as the occasional literary and film reviews. Sometimes, we'll even exhibit short films if we like them.


We're interested in showcasing the work of unpublished and up-and-coming writers, though we like established writers, too. Sweater Weather seeks out the evocative, the raw, the resonant.


We're a very young publication, and though we'll consider anything, we have a soft spot for work with queer themes, work by college kids, understated character-driven narratives, and work regarding personal identity.


Check out our featured pieces on our homepage, our issues under the Issues tab, or submit using our Submissions tab!


You can also find us on Facebook and Tumblr.


All weather is sweater weather. Write well. Rage more.



About the Editorial Staff

Courtney Scialdone is a writer and cinematographer with a BA in Creative Writing and Cinema and Screen Studies from SUNY Oswego. They've been published in Crab Fat Magazine (under a psudonym) and won some awards for their writing, and they have also had cinema work featured in the SUNYWide Film Festival, where they spent the whole weekend trying to work up the courage to talk to Christine Vanchon. Courtney likes Sleater-Kinney and Todd Haynes movies, so if you also like those things, you'll probably get along fine.

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