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Submit to Sweater weather

Sweater Weather is currently accepting submissions on a rolling basis in Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Poetry, Literary Reviews, Film Reviews, Photography, and Visual Art. Email all written submissions as Microsoft Word documents to: 



Include the genre you are submitting to and the total word count of your submission in the subject heading of the email as well as a cover letter in the body of the email. The cover letter should include a brief autobiographical statement written in the third person. Submissions that do not include these requirements will not be considered for publication.


We accept simultaneous submissions, but require that you notify us immediately if your piece is accepted somewhere else.


We don't take very kindly to work featuring racist, sexist, or anti-queer themes. We appreciate fan fiction writers, but Sweater Weather only publishes original work.


Please double space work and use a reasonable font. Helvetica size 12 is preferable.


At this time, we cannot provide compensation to our writers, though we would love to.


There is no submission fee.


See below for each category and its submission guidelines.


We accept short stories under 5,000 words. That said, we prefer stories on the shorter side of that, and we especially love flash fiction. We accept submissions of one story at a time, with one exception: you may submit up to three stories at a time if all three stories are under 250 words. We do not accept novel exerpts.

Creative Nonfiction

We accept essays under 5,000 words. We do not accept news or magazine articles, academic papers, interviews, or anything that is not specifically Creative Nonfiction. We are parital to the personal essay, but if you have more experimental work that pushes the boundaries of the genre or melds personal narrative with research, interview, or reporting, we would love to read it.


We accept poetry of all kinds. You may submit up to four poems at a time. Attach each poem as a separate document and be sure to mark stanza breaks between pages.

Literary and Film Reviews

Literary and Film Reviews must come in at under 2,000 words. We accept reviews of all types of literature and film, though we really like reviews of both literary ficition and nonfiction and independent and arthouse cinema. Please make sure your reviews are relevant and timely; if the subject of your review has been in wide release for a significant length of time, we probably will not publish it unless it is explicitly a revisitation. It should go without saying that reviews should be balanced and honest. We won't publish a reivew that consists of an author tearing a work apart without thought or reason. If you use outside sources, please cite or credit them properly. If you would like to submit a piece regarding literature or film that goes deeper than just a review, maybe even something more scholarly, you may submit it here as well, though it must adhere to the word limit.

Photography and Visual Art

Photography and Visual Art must be submitted as .jpg files. You may submit up to ten pieces for consideration. We especially like the abstract, surreal, and non-objective, as well as photography that utilizes light in interesting ways.


Please include the name of the contest and the word count of your piece in the subject line of your emailOne entry per writer is permitted. Pieces for all flash fiction contests must be under 250 words unless otherwise stated. Each winning piece will be published in Sweater Weather and will potentially recieve additional prizes if they are specified.

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